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System Implementation

Consulting Services

At ARGOLD Business Services we can assist your organisation through its entire ERP selection process.   From business analysis consulting to determine your ERP requirements and the right ERP solution for you; right through to successful project management and ERP Implementation services including ‘Go Live’ & Ongoing Support.

Project Management

As part of any client engagement that constitutes a Project, ARGOLD Business Services initiates all project work by defining the scope of work required by the client which is then incorporated into a detailed Project Plan.  The scope of work defines job requirements including deliverables, stages of work, milestones, assumptions, constraints and dependencies.   We ensure roles and responsibilities are clearly defined together with a risk register, communications plan and reporting tool, financial management, and variance to scope of work management process be instituted.
After project is finalised the client is requested to complete a survey as part of the sign off process.  We request our clients to rate our capabilities for a successful delivery against the defined project budget, accomplishment of milestone phases, effective communications and reporting, management of risk and project variations, competency of consultants and so forth.   This ensures we successfully continue meeting project delivery outcomes.

Stock Management

ARGOLD can assist your business with optimising your inventory module setup.   Inadequate setup will cost your business money through excess or inadequate inventory holdings, out-of-date stock write offs, and so forth.

Excellent setup of ‘Inventory Module’ in Pronto ERP system is vital as it allows the easy management of inventory as well as sets the platform for good processes to be established in sister modules such as plant maintenance, sales, and projects.  It also allows clients to ensure contracted requirements are adhered too and manages different types of stock such as consignment with ease.

Support Services

At ARGOLD Business Services we understand the impact our service can have on your business and the necessity of being available when needed.  Call our toll free number 1800312644 to obtain support consultants who have extensive experience across multiple industries including mining, mining services, retail and manufacturing.